Friday, March 28, 2008

Welcome to Frum in therapy


I'm creating this blog from the frum person in therapy. As most of you are aware by now you went for help because you where in tremendous pain and nobody in our communities understood what was realy going on. In fact, you probably did not realize yourself what was causing this hole in youre heart.
By now you are aware that the cause of this pain was a hurtful relationship with youreparent(s). Unfortunatley there are not too many people out there you can share that with because most of the frum world has there heads buried in the sand. As for confronting youre parents, at best, maybe you got a weak " but we didnt know better".
My goal is to create a blog where we can create a strong voice in the frum world, loud and thunderous so that no one will be able to claim ignorance in the way they're mechanech their children. Most of these parents stand behind what is supposedly the torahdike way of chinuch. What they "supposedly" heard some mechanech say in a shiur.

No more.No more Abuse No more Excuse

So, if you've been in therapy for a while and you understand what i'm writing, please share what the core of you're situation was. And, how it was excused by the authority figures in youre life.

Example: my father couldn't control his anger. I grew up thinking this was normal, after all he is a respected figure in the community, about whom they would say "Moshe, he's mamash a tzadik he's the sweetest person". But at home, watch out, you better lock that door and hide, that beast is home. It took years to unravel the damage that was caused by his selfish, uncontrollable behaviour and to disassociate that from the way i perceived hashem. more on this later...

I don't want this blog to become a place just to attack our society. But, to gain something out of it as well. If you feel the need to vent, then vent. But, please try to refrain from using the "heavy" curse words, as it will lessen the impact.

Hopefully through a sense of community we will be able to give each other much needed chizuk so that we can finally enjoy life a little. I think we have all been through enough to deserve it.and remember

No More Abuse No More Excuse


Tr8erGirl said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! Good luck with your blog and your journey! Mind if I blogroll you?

yiddishe survivor said...

Thank You.
Go right ahead and Blogroll