Friday, March 28, 2008

B"H Isaac has been saved

As I'm sure you know by now Isaac has been saved from that schvartze hell hole down in Jafaica.

Now the genius comments begin,

"The father is such an aidele guy we must be dan lekaff zechus". Oh yeah? why is the Israeli government charging him with abuse after he medicated his children without medical authorization? Did he do that with Daas Torah as well? How come the twin brother also packed off to Texas because hes afraid of his father? And after it was pointed out to him that tranquility bay really is a a hell hole how come he didn't remove him immediately? what parent in their right mind wouldn't become suspicious after hearing those reports?

Oh! and the best one is: "The boy was a danger to himself" or " I heard he was suicidal" how come suddenly we forget about being Dan Lekaff Zechus the boy? With the amount of evidence that is available proving that Isaac is mentally healthy It would be hard to believe these allegations.While down in Jamaica Dr. Pelkowits staked his career on the fact that Isaac is a healthy child and he was being abused.

Also the father had Isaac shipped of to psychiatric facility in long island, they decided there was nothing wrong with him. But the father wouldn't listen and would not come down and remove his son from there. They finally contacted Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe from Texas ,with whom Isaac had developed a relationship with in Eretz Yisrael, To have him sent to Texas. R' Wolbe took him in and Isaac finally had a sanctuary from his crazy father. Everything was just fine in Texas, so why did that rasha have his son taken, in handcuffs, to the hell hole? The father had no idea what was going on with his son for 9 months. They never spoke that whole time. But we have to be Dan Lekaff Zechuss?!?.

Yeah! Excactly! we will, Isaac became a godol hador while shtieging in Texas and they took that hieligeh Tzadik to a fardorbeneh place making him eat trief. Such a tragedy for klal yisroel .

But noooo that cant be because the father is the victim here, He certainly cant be nuts ,only innocent 15 year old's can.

And LomerZegun Isaac really had emotional problems, there are plenty of fine facility's in the good ole US of A. No need for an exotic vacation.

No More Abuse No More Excuse

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